You can run Apple Scripts and Shell Scripts right from within the webview HTML using the runAppleScript (or runJXA) and runShellScript JavaScript functions that are automatically made available.
Running Apple Scripts from the WebView
async function runSomeAppleScript() {
// put the Apple Script into a string (back ticks are great for multi -line strings)
let appleScript = `
set theDialogText to "The curent date and time is " & (current date) & "."
set result to display dialog theDialogText
return result
// this will execute the Apple Script and store the result in the result variable.
// if you want to use JavaScript for Automation use runJXA instead
let result = await runAppleScript({script: appleScript});
//do whatever you want with the result
console.log('result', result);
<button id="testButton" onclick="runSomeAppleScript()">Run Apple Script</button>
Running Shell Scripts from the WebView
async function runSomeShellScriptScript() {
// put the shell script into a string (single backticks are great for multiline strings)
let shellScript = `say hello world`;
let shellScriptWrapper = {
script: shellScript, // mandatory
launchPath: '/bin/bash', //optional - default is /bin/bash
parameters: '-c', // optional - default is -c
environmentVariables: '' //optional e.g. VAR1=/test/;VAR2=/test2/;
// this will execute the Shell Script and store the result in the result variable.
let result = await runShellScript(shellScriptWrapper);
//do whatever you want with the result
console.log('result', result);
<button id="testButton" onclick="runSomeShellScriptScript()">Run Shell Script</button>