Window Moving & Resizing

BetterTouchTool allows you to easily move windows without needing to drag their titlebar.

Moving/Resizing via Modifier Key

You can choose modifier keys that will start moving or resizing a window in the BetterTouchTool Settings: alt text

After enabling this, just holding the modifier keys and moving your mouse will move your window - regardless of where in the window your mouse cursor currently is.

Moving via Click + Modifier Key

You can achieve this using the "Normal Mouse" section in BTT. You need to configure two left-click triggers that use the modifiers you want. The first must be set to trigger on mouse down, the second must be set to trigger on mouse up. Assign the predefined action "Start Moving" to the first and the predefined action "Stop Moving" to the second.

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Moving via Magic Mouse

The 2 Finger Touch Top or 3 Finger Touch Top gestures combined with the predefined actions "Start/Stop Moving Windows" or "Start/Stop Resizing Windows"

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